In the Amazing and Wonderful Things that Happened Today Department: I discovered that RT Book Reviews, the biggest, most influential romance review entity, posted an “extended review” of Slow Surrender. They had already printed a short take in the magazine, a rave, so it really blew me away to see this!!
“Slow Surrender made me love the billionaire Dom again and you should definitely check out this perfect example of everything this subgenre should be.”
“Karina is no blushing ingenue. Finally — finally! — we’re given a heroine who’s willing to go along on this adventure, and without the Nervous Nellie nail-biting and hair-twirling the genre seems to be plagued with.”
“As for James, he escapes the confines of the controlling Dom construct that has so many of these “heroes” veering from Domination into downright abuse.”
“It’s lush and erotic without devolving into that weird place where sex sometimes becomes too graphic, and best of all, the sex actually advances the plot. Each sex scene is a logical stepping stone to the growth of this relationship between these two people.”
Read the full review:
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