DGC Six-Book Starter Pack

Are you ready to dive into the world of tour buses, backstage passes, and late night recording sessions? 

A slow burn gay rockstar romance in the 1980s. Get the first six books in the series that readers have called “addictive!” and “binge-worthy!” at a discount price!

Graphic shows books one through six, brightly colored shades of red, orange, yellow and green, and the text showing the bundle price is $24.99, regular price of $35.94 is crossed out.

Illustrations by Nikki at Exit Reality Studio. Daron on the left in red flanned shirt playing a guitar, Ziggy on the right with his hair gelled up, wearing a leather jacket and singing into a microphone, eyes heavily made up. The text running between them reads: Daron and Ziggy just want to... make beautiful music... Together. Why is that so hard?

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  REVIEWS ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Warning: Daron’s Guitar Chronicles is addictive. Once you start, you’ll find it near impossible to walk away from Daron’s world, aching to know what’s coming next.

“The relationship between Daron and the reader is something I’ve never experienced before. Daron’s narrative is intimate, personal, and… there are times that I wanted to hug him, shake him by the shoulders, give him an earful, and then go right back to hugging him through his pain and torment.”

“There is something very compelling about the way these books are written. The author has a way of making you feel that you are in the room, or perhaps, playing the guitar on stage yourself, that I have not experienced reading any other similar book. I can feel Ziggy applying my eyeliner as I experience Daron’s prepping for a concert.”

This series is an emotional roller coaster ride, as told in the first person by Daron, a guitar prodigy and founder of the fictional band Moondog 3. (Don’t tell Daron it’s fictional!) This is a peek into the music scene as Hair Bands transitioned into Grunge. Rock n Roll was almost as confused as Daron is about his feelings for his lead singer, Ziggy. I loved every page of it!

As addictive as any books I’ve ever read, as heart-rending as any series I’ve ever loved… the quintessential compilation of music, drugs, sex, love, lust, and pain. Daron’s Guitar Chronicles is a brilliant feat in fiction, far too luminous for this simple 5 star rating.”
The Novel Approach

“For me, Daron is one of those rare fictional characters that I have a hard time believing does not actually exist on the physical plane. He is just too real. [And] the writing just gets better and better. Some chapters are moving the story along slowly, some are eye opening, and then some chapters have paragraphs or sentences that just hit you over the head with a mallet of sheer awesome.”
Gay Book Reviews

“Only very rarely do we come across a character that is truly unforgettable. To the point of where you wonder, sometimes several times a day, what this person would think about something you’re experiencing. [Daron] feels so true to life.
Love Bytes Reviews

“Tan has thus far displayed an impressive ability to balance their storyline with Daron’s journey as a musician and a young man who’s growing into his sexuality and finally owning the fact that sex with men isn’t shameful. This is an author who knows her character intimately, and because she loves writing him, we love reading him, angst-ridden guy that he is and all.”
The Novel Approach

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