Here’s my attempt at an archive of where I’ve been quoted, appeared in audio/video, and where I’ve written op. ed. pieces or guestblogs. This is just a fraction, though, really. I can’t keep up.
You might also be interested in a gallery miscellaneous photos of me at public events on FLICKR.
And then there’s a board I made at Pinterest:
Quoted in Articles/Media Mentions
Forbes, 2/10/17 “Fifty Shades of Green: How Fanfiction Went from Dirty Secret to Money Machine” by Hayley Cuccinello
–I’m extensively quoted in this article about how fanfic has made the jump to the big time and how romance, erotica, and women’s desires in fiction are largely ignored by the mainstream…even when they earn millions of dollars.
RT Book Reviews, 11/17/2014, Elisa Verna examines Cosmo’s article. “Do All 25 of Cosmo’s Erotica Lit Tropes Really Need to Die?”
–I’m quoted via Tweet.
Attleboro Sun-Chronicle/Associated Press, “Fetish Fair is Toned Down” by Lisa Lipman, 7/24/2000
Cosmopolitan: I’m quoted quite a bit in an article about how women like reading gay erotica. But I can’t find it now. Maybe it’s not online and was only in the print magazine…?
Podcasts & Videos
Viceland TV, Slutever, hosted by Karley Sciortino:
I’m quoted in and read some erotica in this Vice TV documentary series about women’s sexuality. This episode is about women who love monsters. The full episode can be watched here:
A snippet of the segment I’m in:
[evp_embed_video url=”″]
Fansplaining podcast, 4/20/2016, hosted by Flourish Klink and Elizabeth Minkel
—Listen or read a transcript with me talking about sports fandom and the parallels between baseball fandom and sf/fantasy fandom.
The Skiffy and Fanty Podcast, 5/22/2014
–me and Mary Anne Mohanraj talk about erotica, science fiction, and more.
(Buzzy Magazine, video interview with me at Balticon)
(RT Roundtable: Live video chat interview with me and author Tara Sue Me)
Op Eds and Guest Blogs:
Huffington Post, “Why I Write Bisexual Romance,” 10/8/2015
Queer Romance Month, “On Bisexual“, 10/30/2014
Lambda Literary Review, A Look at Bisexuality in Science Fiction, 1/18/2015
Night Owl Reviews: “Cracking an Icy Heart,” 1/28/2016
Under the Covers Book Blog “Last Book That Kept You Up All Night?” 1/28/2016
Fresh Fiction: “Sex Has to Mean Something,” 1/27/2016
Ever After Romance: “Leading a Double Life,” on how some readers are shamed for reading romance, 1/28/2016
“Consent is Sexy,” guest blog at Jana Richards’ blog
Digital Book World, “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Ebook Piracy,” 5/23/2011
IO9, An Introduction to the World of Harry Potter Fanfiction, 11/17/2010
IO9, Five Scientific Facts Science Fiction Always Gets Wrong, 7/20/2010
IO9, Five Best Discoveries in Astronomy of the Past 20 Years, 7/19/2010
Some of the many reviews of my books:
(I’m not linking them all. It’s hundreds. Here are some faves.)
IO9, This erotica book might actually be the year’s most dangerous science fiction anthology, review of anthology FANTASTIC EROTICA, edited by Cecilia Tan, 12/18/2012
Publishers Weekly, starred review of Hard Rhythm
Publishers Weekly, starred review of Wild Licks
Publishers Weekly, starred review of Taking the Lead
Publishers Weekly on The 50 Greatest Yankees Games
Bustle, “Ten Romance Novels for Steamy Afternoons” on WILD LICKS
Heroes & Heartbreakers, “Erotic Romance Best Bets, July 2016” on WILD LICKS