Sample chapter: The Vanished Chronicles Book 1: Bound by the Blood
I continue to be gobsmacked at how quickly the patreon jumped up over the past week! We’re now only $29 short of the monthly goal that will trigger the se...
I continue to be gobsmacked at how quickly the patreon jumped up over the past week! We’re now only $29 short of the monthly goal that will trigger the se...
Since the book that was originally slated to be released in May 2018 has been pushed back, I figured I would fill the gap by self-publishing a book I originally...
If you haven’t seen it, Karley Sciortino, the writer of the Slutever blog and a regular for Vogue magazine, has a Vice TV video documentary series (also c...
I went to the massive Romance Writers of America national conference this past week and one of the best things about this conference is that so many of the top ...
Whew! At last I can tell you all the news! We’ve been working on a project for quite a while now and I can finally officially announce that my upcoming ne...
Paranormal Romance: Dead, Soft, or Rearing Up to Bite? With Kate Douglas, Rebecca Zanetti, and Cynthia Eden RWA 2014 Panel So one thing I think I’ve learn...
I hurried out of the room this morning to try to get to Nalini Singh’s workshop on Writing Paranormal Romance after hearing tales of how some other worksh...