Whew! And here we are at long last, with the release of the final book in the Magic University book series, The Poet and the Prophecy! Kyle’s quest for true love will finally come to an end! But will the universe end, too?
On Sale Now!
The Poet and the Prophecy: Magic University Book Four
by Cecilia Tan
Riverdale Avenue Books Pub date: September 15, 2015
ISBN 978-1-62601-123-6 (paperback) $16.99
ISBN 978-1-62601-124-3 (digital) $6.99
Page count: 318
Word count: 106,041
Links to buy (will update as various sites go live): Amazon ebook – Amazon paperback
– Audio
| Smashwords ebook | Kobo | iTunes | AllRomance ebooks | B&N.com | Indiebound independent bookstores: paperback
Read an excerpt!
RT Magazine featured a hot excerpt from the book in their Hump Day Wednesday feature: https://www.rtbookreviews.com/blog/85272/hump-day-excerpt-poet-and-prophecy-cecilia-tan
Facebook party today! (Sept. 15th)
Today I’ll be hosting a party on Facebook to celebrate! I’ll be hosting from 4-5pm and 11-midnight, with other new adult college-setting authors in the hours in between. I’ll be giving away full sets of the ebooks to some party-goers who comment on the event page. Drop by here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1647147665517621/
In related news! The Nobilis Erotica podcast did an audio version of one of the short stories from Spellbinding: Tales from the Magic University! They did Frances Selkirk’s “What I Did on My Summer Vacation,” which fills in a bit of what Kyle and Alex got up to between Kyle’s freshman and sophomore years. Listen here: https://nobilis.libsyn.com/episode-332-what-i-did-on-my-summer-vacation-by-frances-selkirk
I’ll be doing a plethora of guest posts and interviews this week of course. Some of them are starting to appear already:
SF Signal: On Writing Multi-Genre Fiction
Thank you everyone who has stuck with me through the ups and downs of this series, the change of publisher, and everything in between!
Here’s the official description of THE POET AND THE PROPHECY:
Kyle Wadsworth has mastered sex magic, dreamwalking, and even poetry in his years at Veritas. But in this conclusion to the Magic University series of new adult paranormal fantasy romance, Kyle begins his senior year full of doubt. Will the dire ancient prophecy he has been studying come true if Kyle cannot find true love? The signs of the Burning Days seem to be everywhere—odd storms, earthquakes, and people losing their magic—and though Kyle has many loving friends and eager acquaintances, he has no true love in sight. The only person in Kyle’s heart is Frost, and the last time they laid eyes on each other, it didn’t end well.
Frost has a troubled past and deep secrets. Kyle begins to hope, though, when it appears he and Frost will be in a class together. A poetry class. Maybe Frost will start to thaw after all, though Kyle has a long way to go from nemesis to lover. If the prophecy speaks true, our hero will need love to keep the world, his friends, and himself from losing magic forever.
“The Magic University books really need to be read all together to be understood. You should definitely grab all four books and get comfortable – you’re in for an exciting ride! The Poet and the Prophecy is a satisfying conclusion to the series, and one that adult Harry Potter fans will no doubt enjoy.” —Lucy Felthouse, Seattle Post-Intelligencer
“I love that in The Poet and The Prophecy Kyle needs to draw on everything about himself to succeed, from his talent as a poet to his bisexuality. How often do bisexuals get to save the world in books? Kyle accomplishes things that a ‘typical’ straight hero would fail at, including the ‘enemies to lovers’ relationship we’ve all been waiting for since book one.” –BookPost
“Tan has long been one of the foremost voices in writing and publishing erotic sci-fi and fantasy. With her New Adult paranormal romance Magic University series, Tan combines her favorite elements from the Harry Potter books with LGBT characters and eroticism. Her protagonist Kyle Wadsworth, studying at the secret magical university Veritas, learns to harness sex magic to combat sirens and prophecies alike. With Kyle starting out knowing less than Jon Snow, he experiences the kind of in-depth sexual apprenticeship that Anastasia Steele should have learned at the hands of Christian Grey.” —Tor.com
“Very nice series of books that I look forward to rereading some day. The frequent description of ‘Harry Potter for Adults’ made me fear it would be totally derivative, but it really wasn’t.” —BookLikes
Just finished The Poet and the Prophecy. Reader status report: slayed. To quote Ginsberg’s “Footnote to Howl”: “…The soul is holy! The skin is holy!/The nose is holy! The tongue and cock and hand/and asshole holy!…/The typewriter is holy the poem is holy the voice is/holy the hearers are holy the ecstasy is holy!…/Holy the lone juggernaut…/Holy the crazy shepherds of rebell-/ion!…/Holy time in eternity holy eternity in time…/holy the fourth dimension…/holy the visions holy the hallucina-/tions holy the miracles holy the eyeball holy the/abyss!…/Holy forgiveness!…Holy!…/bodies! suffering! magnanimity!/Holy the supernatural extra brilliant intelligent/kindness of the soul!” Holy apocalypse averted! Holy Founding Stone déjà vu! Holy the sword-bearing Hierophant! Holy Kyle! Holy Timothy! Holy Violet! Holy the shower in Sassamon! Holy the lube in the practice rooms! Holy the gender-binary transcended! Holy Callendra and Quilian! Holy Elwyn still full of books! Holy Esme and Alex! Holy the Gladius House racers! Holy the winner who gets to come tonight! Holy the loser who doesn’t!
I think this is my favorite comment ever…!!
So glad you liked the book/series/finale!